Most of our crew have graduated from Vietnam Maritime University or Maritime Colleges. After passing our recruitment, they will be trained as per our procedure. VOSCO MARITIME TRAINING CENTER (VMTC) has been found since 2006. VMTC invested a Bridge and Engine Room Simulation System in order to enhance education quality. VMTC instructors are highly qualified professionals, most of them are Captains or Chief Engineers with over 20 years of sea working experiences and were trained in international training courses designed for the instructors, hold by IMO. VMTC is proud of an authority of Administration. We have the legal right to train and issue 18 Certificates of Proficiency in Professional Training consisting of Chart World EDISC, Tokyo Keiki... View more
Training system
Training system

Training courses for ship officer
A/ FROM AB TO 3RD OFFICER 1. VMTC Initial Course For Deck Man (03 months) 2. Beginning English... View more

Training course for ship engineer
A/ FROM OILER TO 4TH ENGINEER 1. VMTC Initial Course For Oiler (03 months) 2. Beginning English... View more